
LEarning Increases Earnings

LEarning Increases Earnings : To learn we need a certain degree of confidence, not too much and not too little. If we have too little we will think we can’t learn; If we have too much we will think we don’t have to learn. If you don’t have time to learn new things then follow these steps :  write down all your activities, prioritize them, then remove those activities which are not adding any value in your life. Believe me you will have extra hours every day.  If you think…

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Earth Can Be Made Heaven

When majority of the people will try to become rich then there will be revolution on this earth and when everybody will become rich then this earth will become Heaven. Our vision is to make this earth like Heaven . For this reason we want to help everybody become Healthy, Wealthy, Happy and Peaceful by promoting below trainings : I attended one phenomenal online training from one famous company of USA and inspired to spread those trainings to everybody. I also purchased many training materials from them. These trainings will…

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Parable of Opportunities

“There was once an old man who lived alone near a lake. One day as he was watching the news he heard the weather forecast and found out that his area was predicted to have a heavy dose of rainfall and flooding over the following days. The weatherman advised the population to seek shelter, as conditions were expected to become extremely dangerous for the people living in that area.  The old man, being a man of faith, began to pray and asked God for his protection from the flooding. He…

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